
Extended Abstract Submission (Optional)

The extended abstract will be published as a proceeding with e-ISBN number. Kindly prepare the extended abstract according to the given template and submit it here.

Template Extended Abstract

Full Paper Submission

Publication is depending on the originality, quality, relevance and other editorial considerations. Peer-reviewed selected research papers of the conference (full filled comments of reviewers) will be published in AIP Conference Proceedings- AIP Publishing is wholly owned by American Institute of Physics (AIP) and it is indexed by Scopus.

The ISTEC2020 organizers terms ‘plagiarism’ as a serious professional misconduct. All submission will be screened for plagiarism and when identified, the submissions by the same author will be rejected. The percentage of similarity accepted is not more than 25%.

A submission SHOULD NOT be intended to get reviews from the Technical Committee for the sole purpose of improving on the quality of the paper. A submission implies that the author intends to ultimately register the paper upon a favorable response from the conference organizers. ISTEC2020 doesn’t encourage withdrawals after the paper is accepted.

The acceptance of paper will be acknowledged to the corresponding author only.

Preparing Papers

AIP Conference Proceedings uses author-prepared PDFs for all published content and will not send out author proofs prior to publication. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all manuscripts are submitted in their final form and that all fonts are embedded. AIP author template packages contain comprehensive advice and guidelines for authors—including a DO’s and Don’ts checklist—all papers must be prepared abiding by these guidelines. Well-prepared manuscripts enable rapid publication and reduce unnecessary work for editors. When preparing your manuscript for AIP Conference Proceedings, please abide by the following requests:

  • Download paper template.
  • Do not add page numbers or headers/footers.
  • Do not alter the margins of our templates.
  • Paper size is 8.5 x 11.
  • The paper must include the author name and full affiliation address including country.
  • Use clear, legible graphics and diagrams contained within the margins.
  • Do not use copyrighted material without permission and proper crediting.
  • All pages are to be in portrait.
  • References are prepared using our sample reference guidelines. References can only be linked if they are complete.
  • Embed all fonts into your manuscript PDF.
Download (AIP template package)

Paper Template
Sample reference guideline
Embedding Fonts
Article preparation Checklist
License to publish Agreement
Copyright License checklist
Permissions to re-use copyrighted material
Permission Guideline

Click here for more info on AIP conference Proceeding.

What to send to your conference organizer
  • A final PDF file of your paper with fonts embedded.
  • A signed License to Publish Agreement.
  • Copies of permissions to re-use copyrighted material (if any)

Submit here

Oral presentation

  • Each presenter is granted for 10-15 minutes (include Q & A)
  • Please be report at your session room at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the session to submit your final presentation materials
  • Please double confirm your presentation timings and locations with the staff on duty
  • Audio-visual testing facilities are available for your testing and viewing. The staff on duty will assist you in testing and installing your presentation materials.
  • Submit your slides here.

Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Your poster should consists of the following contents:

  1. Header (Project title, Name, Affiliation, E-mail, Organization Logo)
  2. Abstract
  3. Introduction
  4. Problem Statement
  5. Novelty
  6. Methodology/Process Flow
  7. Results/Discussion
  8. Conclusion
  9. References


  1. Prepare a video on your poster presentation with a duration of 10-12 minutes.
  2. If the video exceeds > 12 minutes, marks will be deducted.
  3. You may choose either using the pre-recorded voice over your poster or any applicable presentation mode.
  4. Ensure the contents of your research are clearly presented.
  5. Save the video as .mp4 format, resolution 720 or 1080p. Kindly save your video with the following filename during submission. ISTEC2020_Registration ID num, Example: ISTEC2020_152
  6. Upload the prepared video at the provided link: Google Drive
  7. Following are the datelines which requires your kind attention:
    Video Submission (Upload at the given google drive link): 8th Sept 2020
    Judging: 9th Sept - 22nd Sept 2020
    Best Poster Winner Announcement: 8th Oct 2020